Monday, September 13, 2010

Taiwan Missionary Support Letter


Recently the Lord has confirmed in my heart and spirit my call to serve at New Hope Taiwan for the next season of my life. Being of Taiwanese descent, I have always had a desire to move to Taiwan to learn more about my culture as well as minister to my people. As I had thought this would come at a later time in my life, I was recently surprised to hear about the start of New Hope Taiwan and started praying about how I could somehow get involved. 

My spirit continued to be stirred as I heard of some friends sharing about the church at their initial stages of infancy. I asked the Lord that if it was in His will to open a door for me to at least visit Taiwan on a short term trip so I could taste and see the goodness of what the He was doing there. The very next morning, Pastor Fernando, my mentor from New Hope Diamond Head, called me, and the very first words he muttered were, “Dude, do you want to come to Taipei?” Without any hesitation, I agreed to commit to serve with this mission team no matter the cost involved.

This past July our team was able to spend about a week in Taipei ministering with the New Hope Taiwan team lead by Pastor Steve and Joyce Hsaio. In that short time, I witnessed a huge hunger in the people, specifically in the youth and young adults in the areas of creative arts, music, and video. I also noticed a desire for freedom from strongholds in the areas of image, prestige, and productivity that has held many in shackles from generation to generation. What all the more convinced me in the spirit was the Lord showing me all the needs in areas of leadership in the church where the harvest was plentiful but the workers were few.. and there was a great need to send workers into this field.

Taiwan has a population of more than 23 million people but is less than 4.5% Christian and is in dire need of the Gospel being spread throughout the nation. Most churches are very traditional and the younger generations have difficulty relating and finding relevance in these environments. A movement focused on the freedom of worship through the creative arts through New Hope Taiwan will provide a bridge of faith that will be powerful in the effectiveness in how they can experience Jesus Christ. 

With my passion of implementing vision, leadership and strategy fall in conjunction with my heart to develop small groups, mentor and make disciples through video, multimedia and worship. Through this revelation, I could not help but be called to pour out all that I have gleaned in my past 4 years at New Hope Diamond Head into New Hope Taiwan to help push the saints in their next steps in answering their greater promise of inheritance that the Lord has ordained for them. My utmost fulfillment would come from witnessing the Lord pulling out Taiwan’s young generation from darkness into the light just as He has done for my own soul.  

By early November 2010, I will be fully transitioning over to live in Taipei to serve New Hope Taiwan as a full time missionary! I will be enrolled at the Mandarin Training Center at National Taiwan Normal University in my hopes to minister in Chinese in the span of a year. I will also be tentmaking through my video / graphic design business instaMERSION studios but will need additional funds to fulfill my calling here in Taipei.

Would you consider a monthly donation ($30 / $50 / $100) for 14-months (November 1st, 2010 – December 31, 2011) to help aide my ministry expenses in order that I pour out my full investment into serving at New Hope Taiwan. You can send donation by check each month made payable to New Hope Diamond Head with “NH Taiwan Support – Alexander Cheng” written in the memo. It may be easier and best if the monthly donation is charged to your credit card. If so, please provide the confidential credit card information on the reply card or fill out the information on-line at

I am truly grateful that through our partnership together we can be a part of God’s greater plan in revealing His glory in Taiwan and the Chinese speaking world!

“But by faith we eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope.. the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” Galatians 5:5-6

Alexander Cheng
Your Missionary to Taiwan

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