Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

NHDH off to Taiwan!


I would personally like to thank you for all of your prayers and support for my upcoming trip to Taipei where I will be part of the New Hope Taiwan church plant! First of all, the Lord once again proved himself faithful as an overflow of all my financial expenses have been accounted for! The extra donations to this cause allow for our team to portion out to any other members and also to all the more support our overall initiative.

We will be departing on July 12th and returning on July 18th. Though the trip is relatively short, we have tactfully arranged each day to be strategic in terms of how we can maximize the partnership we will be making with New Hope Taiwan. I pray that you can continue to put our team into prayer and that the Lord orchestrate divine appointments for His glory to be shined through our movement in faith.

We would also love for you to journey with us as we will be posting videos, photos, and updates of what's happening. Be sure to add yourself as a fan to our NHDH Taiwan Impact Initiative Facebook page which can be found at:


Lord Jesus, I thank you first and foremost for who You are.. and this gift of life that is such a privilege for me to use for the purpose of serving You. I also thank you for this great opportunity to be a part of a movement which will forever change the hearts of the saints in Taiwan and also rise up all those who are called according to Your purpose. I ask that Your will be done.. and that we can be fully surrendered to all that You ask of us in this amazing endeavor. We put our trust in You Father God, and I am grateful that you could orchestrate a mission so heartfelt to who You have made me to be. Give us a great revelation through our call to New Hope Taiwan and we look so forward to Your glorious wonders which are about take place and forever release strongholds through ther hope, faith, and love in Jesus Christ. I praise you and love you with all that I am, amen!!

In the love of Jesus!
Alexander Cheng

Sunday, July 4, 2010

My Prayer

We're taking off on July 12th to Taiwan and I know the Lord is already working and doing so much through the prophetic words which were spoken through our group as well as ones specifically spoken to me which I take very seriously. If there's any specific prayer requests that I have, I ask that you pray that we removed ourselves off our high thrones and from everything we know and identify ourselves over here in Hawaii.. especially how we run church and the skill sets that we have.. and that we don't embark with a spirit postured in pride for what we know.. but rather in honesty, humility and holiness.. and that we are no better than anyone we get to minister to or train.. and that the Lord glorifies our partnership.. not only doing ministry but through relationships and through the love of Jesus Christ.. please pray that the Lord release generations and generations of strongholds (which i personally grew up with through my own family being Taiwanese) and that He release the Taiwanese people from having to build their identities through prestige, image, accomplishments, productivity, and pride.. and that our Lord Jesus Christ will bring them the inherit salvation that He has promised them and show them freedom through the blood that has already been shed for us and the victory that has already been won.. I appreciate your heart and the extension of your spirit onto our team as we already know that His blessings will outpour in great abundance all around in all ways!!

Praise God,