Sunday, December 19, 2010

聖誕花瘋了 PARTY



15:00~16:30(節目) 16:30~17:00(茶點)

18:00~18:40(茶點) 18:45~20:30(節目)


New Hope Taiwan

Thursday, December 2, 2010


NEW HOPE TAIWAN's web site in English & Chinese has been officially launched at

If you have friends who live in Taiwan, please share our web site with them, and invite them to join us for worship. If you have friends who are interested in supporting and serving New Hope Taiwan’s work of spreading the Gospel in Taiwan and throughout the Chinese speaking world, please share our web site with them also. We’re sooo excited to see what God is going to do through NHTW!!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Taiwan Impact Initiative - November 2010 Newsletter

Okay okay.. That’s my horrible attempt at coining a new term fusing the Chinese and Hawaiian cultures together.. but gotta give me credit for trying right?? With all jokes aside, I am stoked to update you with what’s been going on ever since my move from Hawaii to Taipei as a full-time missionary on November 1st, 2010.. it’s been quite a ride so far as I feel that God has used every moment to all the more refine and remake me to who He wants me to become.

The first month definitely had it’s sets of challenges as I for the most part submerged myself into a place so foreign on all levels.. ranging from the simplest daily acts to hardships doing ministry with respect to an entirely different culture and mindset from what I’ve grown so accustomed to. Everyday, the Lord is teaching me just another way where I can die to myself, and come to Him in reverent fear, submission, and trust. In a place where my relevance is all the more diminished, I am re-embracing my love relationship with Jesus through new embrace of His Taiwanese saints.

I have been blessed to be able to serve New Hope Taiwan in the areas of worship, teaching, multimedia, and also serving as a Levite. It has really also been a joy serving with Pastor Steve and Joyce as we partner up together to prepare for New Hope Taiwan’s grand opening in March. We have seen a steady flow of people come into our services and workshops, and we are starting to see God do something every special through this genuine community. I’m excited to help lead our Thursday night as we begin this new season teaching a handful of new believers about Jesus Christ through the book of Matthew.. it’s gonna be awesome!

We really see our service to God at this point in time so essential for what His plans for New Hope Taiwan will be in 2011. We are expecting a mission team from New Hope Diamond Head next March 20-27th and want to continue to extend our invite for you to join us in this special celebration. Please contact me at if you are interested in being a part of our endeavor that we call the New Hope Diamond Head Taiwan Impact Initiative. You can also find out more at New Hope Taiwan’s newly launched web site (Chinese translation coming soon!) by clicking here.

Please continue to keep me in prayer for my workload as I am trying to figure out how to balance full time ministry, run my business, take classes at Pac Rim, and also start my language studies at Shi Da. I know it’s a plateful, and my desire to give everything with excellence in what I can best handle for this season.

I am truly grateful that through our partnership together we can be a part of God’s greater plan in revealing His glory in Taiwan and the Chinese speaking world! Let’s keep in touch and I hope to see you again soon in Taiwan!! You can follow some of my sporatic thoughts and sharing at my video blog you can find at this link.

“But by faith we eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope.. the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” Galatians 5:5-6

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010


With Special Guests NHTW Pastor Steve & Joyce Hsaio!!!


Join us for a night of celebration, worship, and fellowship! Pupus, dinner, and desert included!

New Hope Diamond Head will be sending off Alex Cheng as their first full time missionary to Taiwan! On November 1st, he will be moving to Taipei to serve at New Hope Taiwan. We will also be sharing the vision, heart, and passion in the partnership between NHDH and NHTW and what will unfold within the next 14-months.. and beyond!

Please arrive promptly by 6:00pm as the program will begin shortly after that. Space is limited. Please RSVP to this event by emailing Darci at We are encouraging everyone to bring a card or letter for Alex.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Taiwan Missionary Support Letter


Recently the Lord has confirmed in my heart and spirit my call to serve at New Hope Taiwan for the next season of my life. Being of Taiwanese descent, I have always had a desire to move to Taiwan to learn more about my culture as well as minister to my people. As I had thought this would come at a later time in my life, I was recently surprised to hear about the start of New Hope Taiwan and started praying about how I could somehow get involved. 

My spirit continued to be stirred as I heard of some friends sharing about the church at their initial stages of infancy. I asked the Lord that if it was in His will to open a door for me to at least visit Taiwan on a short term trip so I could taste and see the goodness of what the He was doing there. The very next morning, Pastor Fernando, my mentor from New Hope Diamond Head, called me, and the very first words he muttered were, “Dude, do you want to come to Taipei?” Without any hesitation, I agreed to commit to serve with this mission team no matter the cost involved.

This past July our team was able to spend about a week in Taipei ministering with the New Hope Taiwan team lead by Pastor Steve and Joyce Hsaio. In that short time, I witnessed a huge hunger in the people, specifically in the youth and young adults in the areas of creative arts, music, and video. I also noticed a desire for freedom from strongholds in the areas of image, prestige, and productivity that has held many in shackles from generation to generation. What all the more convinced me in the spirit was the Lord showing me all the needs in areas of leadership in the church where the harvest was plentiful but the workers were few.. and there was a great need to send workers into this field.

Taiwan has a population of more than 23 million people but is less than 4.5% Christian and is in dire need of the Gospel being spread throughout the nation. Most churches are very traditional and the younger generations have difficulty relating and finding relevance in these environments. A movement focused on the freedom of worship through the creative arts through New Hope Taiwan will provide a bridge of faith that will be powerful in the effectiveness in how they can experience Jesus Christ. 

With my passion of implementing vision, leadership and strategy fall in conjunction with my heart to develop small groups, mentor and make disciples through video, multimedia and worship. Through this revelation, I could not help but be called to pour out all that I have gleaned in my past 4 years at New Hope Diamond Head into New Hope Taiwan to help push the saints in their next steps in answering their greater promise of inheritance that the Lord has ordained for them. My utmost fulfillment would come from witnessing the Lord pulling out Taiwan’s young generation from darkness into the light just as He has done for my own soul.  

By early November 2010, I will be fully transitioning over to live in Taipei to serve New Hope Taiwan as a full time missionary! I will be enrolled at the Mandarin Training Center at National Taiwan Normal University in my hopes to minister in Chinese in the span of a year. I will also be tentmaking through my video / graphic design business instaMERSION studios but will need additional funds to fulfill my calling here in Taipei.

Would you consider a monthly donation ($30 / $50 / $100) for 14-months (November 1st, 2010 – December 31, 2011) to help aide my ministry expenses in order that I pour out my full investment into serving at New Hope Taiwan. You can send donation by check each month made payable to New Hope Diamond Head with “NH Taiwan Support – Alexander Cheng” written in the memo. It may be easier and best if the monthly donation is charged to your credit card. If so, please provide the confidential credit card information on the reply card or fill out the information on-line at

I am truly grateful that through our partnership together we can be a part of God’s greater plan in revealing His glory in Taiwan and the Chinese speaking world!

“But by faith we eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope.. the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” Galatians 5:5-6

Alexander Cheng
Your Missionary to Taiwan

Monday, August 2, 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

NHDH off to Taiwan!


I would personally like to thank you for all of your prayers and support for my upcoming trip to Taipei where I will be part of the New Hope Taiwan church plant! First of all, the Lord once again proved himself faithful as an overflow of all my financial expenses have been accounted for! The extra donations to this cause allow for our team to portion out to any other members and also to all the more support our overall initiative.

We will be departing on July 12th and returning on July 18th. Though the trip is relatively short, we have tactfully arranged each day to be strategic in terms of how we can maximize the partnership we will be making with New Hope Taiwan. I pray that you can continue to put our team into prayer and that the Lord orchestrate divine appointments for His glory to be shined through our movement in faith.

We would also love for you to journey with us as we will be posting videos, photos, and updates of what's happening. Be sure to add yourself as a fan to our NHDH Taiwan Impact Initiative Facebook page which can be found at:

Lord Jesus, I thank you first and foremost for who You are.. and this gift of life that is such a privilege for me to use for the purpose of serving You. I also thank you for this great opportunity to be a part of a movement which will forever change the hearts of the saints in Taiwan and also rise up all those who are called according to Your purpose. I ask that Your will be done.. and that we can be fully surrendered to all that You ask of us in this amazing endeavor. We put our trust in You Father God, and I am grateful that you could orchestrate a mission so heartfelt to who You have made me to be. Give us a great revelation through our call to New Hope Taiwan and we look so forward to Your glorious wonders which are about take place and forever release strongholds through ther hope, faith, and love in Jesus Christ. I praise you and love you with all that I am, amen!!

In the love of Jesus!
Alexander Cheng

Sunday, July 4, 2010

My Prayer

We're taking off on July 12th to Taiwan and I know the Lord is already working and doing so much through the prophetic words which were spoken through our group as well as ones specifically spoken to me which I take very seriously. If there's any specific prayer requests that I have, I ask that you pray that we removed ourselves off our high thrones and from everything we know and identify ourselves over here in Hawaii.. especially how we run church and the skill sets that we have.. and that we don't embark with a spirit postured in pride for what we know.. but rather in honesty, humility and holiness.. and that we are no better than anyone we get to minister to or train.. and that the Lord glorifies our partnership.. not only doing ministry but through relationships and through the love of Jesus Christ.. please pray that the Lord release generations and generations of strongholds (which i personally grew up with through my own family being Taiwanese) and that He release the Taiwanese people from having to build their identities through prestige, image, accomplishments, productivity, and pride.. and that our Lord Jesus Christ will bring them the inherit salvation that He has promised them and show them freedom through the blood that has already been shed for us and the victory that has already been won.. I appreciate your heart and the extension of your spirit onto our team as we already know that His blessings will outpour in great abundance all around in all ways!!

Praise God,

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

NHDH Taiwan Impact Initiative


I am delighted to share with you an opportunity that New Hope Diamond Head will have to build relationship with New Hope Taipei! On July 12th - July 18th, our team will be in Taipei to express the joy of the Lord and share through our giftings, talents, and sheer overflow of our hearts in the love of Jesus Christ.

Being of Taiwanese descent, it has always been the desire of my heart for years to be able to not visit Taiwan as a tourist, but to really embrace my roots and minister the Word of God to my people. We will be involved at a pioneering stage of the NH Taipei church plant as we are partnering in faith and in expectation of the Lord's glory shining in and through Taiwan.

In addition to building a bridge through the Kingdom of God, I will also be utilizing my gifts in video and multimedia to help empower the church in capturing God's glory in Taiwan. Please pray that the NH Taipei video team can continue taking shape as they strive to share the Gospel through this powerful medium and form of visual, emotional, and spiritual communication. 

I ask you urgently to support our team in our efforts to be a part of this great movement. I will need to raise $2,000 by July 17th to be able to not only resource myself but also our team to be able to focus on doing the Lord's work in absolute diligence and excellence. 

If you feel lead to support our endeavors, you can make an online donation at this link:

You can also make a check payable to New Hope Diamond Head with "Taipei Mission - Alexander Cheng" in the memo area. All donations will be tax deductible can can either be sent online, to my mailing address or the church office.

I am overwhelmed by the love and support that you have are giving to me and our team through your prayers. I am all the more touched knowing that it is through our partnership where we can function as a body of Christ to reach the nations and make disciples as Jesus calls us all to do!

In His love and calling,
Alexander Cheng
818 S. King St. #2102
Honolulu, HI 96813

New Hope Diamond Head
Kahala Mall Resource Center
4211 Waialae Ave. Su. 1030
Honolulu, HI 96816

Chapters from My Life

The Lord has been a FAITHFUL God, who never let go of His greater promise over my life.. no matter how many times I backslid, His hand was always upon me. Here's a few chapters of my life explaining how Jesus loves me.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

India Mission Trip 2010


I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your prayers and support for our India mission team! It puts me at peace to know that the Lord graciously provided for all my expenses on this trip.. your contributions are going to extend well beyond into the nations and into the hearts of the saints!

We are making our final preparations before taking off to Mussoorrie, India this Friday!! I have been busy trying to get a head start on my packing as well as finish designing some collateral here that we can use for our mission (designing t-shirts, flyers, programs, and video).

I am also gearing up all my video equipment to effectively capture what God is doing with our NHDH team, the kids from the orphanage, and also in the hearts of the students at Woodstock school. I will be shooting and editing a video of the retreat at Woodstock which I will post on the blog while we are still in Mussoorrie for you all to see! Stay tuned!!

We look so forward to witnessing the glory of God shine throughout the nations and being a part of His great plan! I will be returning back to Hawaii on March 11th, but in the meantime you can stay connected with us at these online portals:

NHDH India Missions Blog:


I sincerely appreciate our hearts to partner up on this mission endeavor for Jesus. My prayer is that the Lord keep us submitted and forfeit any of our own personal agendas so that we can fully surrender to His will and perfect plan for what is to come! I am so excited for what the Lord is going to teach me on this trip!

In the love of Jesus Christ,
Alexander Cheng

"But by faith we eagerly await through the spirit of righteousness for which we hope.. the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." - Galatians 5:5-6

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

India Mission Trip 2010


On February 26th - March 8th, 2010, I will have the opportunity to travel to Mussoorie, India on a mission trip with New Hope Diamond Head! This will be my third mission trip to Mussoorie within the past two years, and so I am so excited to once again be able to go overseas to do the Lord's work! The Lord has specifically given me the assignment of using my gifts in multimedia and video to capture what God is doing in and through our team and those we get to minister to on our travels.

Our purpose for going over to Mussoorie will be to provide encouragement and support to the Firs orphange. We will also be doing a youth retreat at a local high school called Woodstock. In preparation for this trip, I ask that you keep our team in prayer.. in our safe travels, in health, and most importantly that that through us, the Lord Jesus Christ can shine His love and compassion onto others.. and we too can receive the love that the people of Mussoorie have for us.

If you feel lead to support me, I will be fundraising to support our travels as well as the orphanage. You can now contribute online through my ChipIn account here or you can make a check payable to New Hope Diamond Head with "India Mission - Alexander Cheng" on the bottom. Any donations will be tax deductable and can be sent to either the church office or to me.

Your love and support will speak volumes through our efforts to shine Christ in India and also for through my personal growth with the Lord. I am fully blessed by your hearts and know that you are in my prayers in His love and holiness.

On His mission in His love and light,

Alexander Cheng
818 S. King St. #2102
Honolulu, HI 96813

New Hope Diamond Head
Kahala Mall Resource Center
4211 Waialae Ave. Su. 1030
Honolulu, HI 96816

Friday, February 5, 2010

Enhancements for NHDH Web Site now LIVE!

Our team made some major changes to the New Hope Diamond Head web site which include a CMS video player powered by Vimeo. Check it out at

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sunset on Deck 2009-2010

Create your own video slideshow at